E-Prescribing Information

Electronic Prescription Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for an electronic prescription to be valid?

In addition to the elements required on all prescriptions, electronically generated prescriptions must also have:

  • A DEA number of the prescribing practitioner if the prescription is for a controlled substance;
  • The telephone number of the practitioner;
  • The time and date of the transmission; and
  • The name of the pharmacy to which the prescription is sent.

Authority: NAC 639.7105(3)

Can a pharmacist partially fill a prescription for a CII prescription?

A pharmacist may partially fill a CII prescription.

Authority: NAC 453.460

Can an electronic prescription indicate that it was issued by a person who does not have prescribing privileges?

No. The electronic prescription laws did not change the basic requirement that all prescriptions must be issued by a practitioner with prescribing privileges. Prescriptions that do not contain an indication that the practitioner himself or herself issued the prescription cannot be filled.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about the e-prescribing mandate are answered at the following link.

Electronic Prescription Software Approval Form

Electronic Prescription Software Approval Form

Approved E-Prescribing Systems

Acrendo Medical Software

A.I.med Pro (Acrendo)
3625 Ruffin Rd. Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92123
Contact: Maria Garza
Phone: (800) 403-2330 ext 207
Website: www.acrendo.com

AdvancedMD CEHRT

2740 S. Jones Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Contact: Stephen Farris
Email: sfaris@mindcaresolutions.com

AllegianceMD, INC

1722 S Carson Ave, STE 3201
Tulsa, OK 74119
Contact: Mohamed Elmawi
Phone: 800-868-1923 ext 4559
Email: melmawi@allegiancemd.com

Allscripts, LLC

222 Merchandise Mart Plaza #2024
Chicago, IL 60654
Phone: 800-334-8534


4 Venture #100
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: (949) 789-0500 

AmerisourceBergen Electronic Prescription Transfer System Review Form Thru SureScripts

PO Box 959
Valley Forge, PA 19482
Phone: (610) 727-7000
Contact: Caroline York
E-mail: Caroline.York@lashgroup.com

Aprima Medical Software

3330 Keller Springs Rd #201
Carrollton, TX 75006
Phone: (866) 960-6890
Contact: Kyle Brinkman
E-mail: kbrinkman@aprima.com
Web: www.aprima.com


4700 Millenia Blvd #500
Orlando, FL 32839
Phone: (407) 641-3042
Contact: Tricia Edwards
E-mail: patricia.edwards@assistrx.com

Athenahealth, Inc., Electronic Prescription Transmission System

311 Arsenal St
Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: 617-402-8728
Contact: Lisa Amanti
Email: lamanti@athenahealth.com

Bizmatics Inc. (EHR Software – PrognoCIS)

4010 Moorpark Ave #222
San Jose, CA 95117
Phone: (877) 693-6748 – sales
Phone: (408) 873-3032 – support
Contact: Ananya Maindan
E-mail: amaindan@bizmaticsinc.com
Web: www.bizmaticsinc.com

BioMedix Vascular Solutions, Inc./TRAKnet DPM

4215 White Bear Parkway
St. Paul, MN 55110
Phone: (651) 233-5946
Fax: (608) 237-2529
Contact: Cindy Reineking
E-mail: creineking@biomedix.com
Website: www.biomedix.com

Cardinal Health Nuclear Pharmacy Services

Cardinal Health
61 Spectrum Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 614-757-7182
Contact: Tina Eichler
E-mail: tina.eichler@cardinalhealth.com


5200 Blue Lagoon Dr
Miami, FL 33126
Contact: Kate Hagerty
Phone: 1-877-342-7517
Email: khagerty@carecloud.com

Catalis Inc.

916 S Capital Of Texas Hwy, Bldg C
Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 874-7654
Contact: Marcus Stavchansky
Website: www.thecatalis.com

Cerner Corporation

2800 Rockcreek Parkway
N Kansas City, MO 64117
Phone: (816) 201-6247
Contact: Matt Moore
E-mail: mmoore1@cerner.com


4141 Hacienda Drive

Pleasanton, CA 94588

Phone: (855)571-5557

Contact: Venky Chellappa

Email: vchellappa@medicalmine.com

Cleveland Clinic

9500 Euclid Ave #JJ-10
Cleveland, OH 44195
Phone: (216) 444-9281
Contact: Todd Donnelly
Email: Donnelly@ccf.org

Compulink Business Systems, Inc.

1100 Business Center Cir
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Contact: Vince Costanzo
Phone: (800) 888-8075
Email: vlc@compulinkadvantage.com
Website: www.compulinkadvantage.com

Compugroup Medical Inc.

CGM webEHR, CGM CLINICAL and Alteer Office
125 High St, 8th Fl.
Boston. MA 02110
Phone: 617-946-7889
Contact: Liza Patchen
Email: elizabeth.patchen@cgm.com

CureMD.com, Inc

120 Broadway, 35th Fl
New York, NY 10271
Phone: (212) 852-0270 ext 320
Contact: Matt Anderson
E-mail: matt.anderson@curemd.com

DAW SYSTEMS, Inc. – ScriptSure

585 Troy-Schenectady Rd
Latham, NY 12110
Phone: (866) 755-1500
FAX: (518) 533-3793
Contact: Adam Forman
E-mail: aforman@dawsystems.com
Web: www.dawsystems.com

Desert Orthopaedic Center

2800 East Desert Inn Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Phone: (702) 731-1616, ext 266
Contact: Brien Vokite, CRA
Email: bvokite@doclv.com


1360 Upper Hembree Rd #201B
Roswell, GA 30076
Phone: (303) 638-5062
Contact: Andrew Diamond
Email: d_andy@bellsouth.net


100 Winners Cr. N., Ste 450
Brentwood, TN 37027
Contact: Tania Kimberly
Phone: 1-877-634-2727
Email: TKimberly@digichart.com


101 S. Phillips Ave Suite 300
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Contact: Meghan Bowar
Phone: (877) 697-4696

DrFirst Inc.

9420 Key West Ave. Suite 330
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 866.263.6511 (toll-free)
Fax: 301-251-7850
Website: www.drfirst.com

DX-Web | NextGen Management LLC

1350 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (877) 626-8471
Contact: Henry Pack
E-mail: henry@dx-web.com

eClinicalWorks LLC

2 Technology Dr
Westborough, MA 01581
Phone: (508) 475-0600 ext 17200
Contact: Deborah Wade
E-mail: Deborah.wade@eclinicalworks.com
Web: www.eclinicalworks.com

Elation Health, Inc.

550 15th St., Suite 21,
San Francisco, CA 94103
Contact: Sharon Lee
Email: sharon.lee@elationhealth.com

Elekta/IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.

100 Mathilda Pl, 5th Fl
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone: (780) 428-9656
Contact: Randy Norton
E-mail: randy.norton@elekta.com

e-MDs, Inc

900 Spectrum Dr.
Austin, Tx 78717
Website: www.e-mds.com
Contact: Stacy Mendelson
Phone: (512) 257-5235
Email: smendelson@e-mds.com
Contact: Agnes Ho
Phone: (512) 257-5230
Email: agnesho@e-mds.com

Eprosystem Inc.

3208 E. Los Angeles Ave. Ste 33
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Contact: Karl Nguyen
Phone: 805-584-2802
Email: knguyen@eprosystem.com

eRx Network LLC (Emdeon)

100 Lextington St #400
Ft Worth, TX 76102
Phone: (303) 317-4141
Contact: Wendy Cloe
E-mail: wcloe@emdeon.com


6600 Wall St
Mobile, AL 36695
Phone: (800) 711-2774
FAX: (251) 639-8214
Contact: Denise Wilson
E-mail: denise.wilson@evident.com

FDB (First Databank)

For FDB Meds Tracker Software
701 Gateway Blvd #600
S San Francisco, CA 94080
Phone: (650) 827-6798/ (800) 633-3453 ext 43798
Contact: Dasi Howell
Email: dasihowell@fdbhealth.com
Website: www.fdbhealth.com

FDB Vela ePrescribing Networks | FDB (First Databank)

2 Tower Place, 21st Floor
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Phone: (480) 819-6119
Contact: Ivan Posthumus
Website: https://www.fdbhealth.com/  

Flatiron Health Inc.

200 5th Ave
New York, New York 10010
Phone: (561) 319-3369
Contact: Haley Spitz
Website: www.flatiron.com

GE Healthcare

(Centricity EMR or Centricity Practice Solution)
Phone: (888) 436-8491 option 4
Email: inside.sales@med.ge.com
Website: http://centricitypractice.gehealthcare.com/

gloStream Inc, dba Triarq

1050 Wilshire Dr, Ste 300
Troy, MI 48084
Contact: Julie Lundberg
Phone: 248-283-8677
Email: jlundberg@triarqhealth.com
Website: www.triarqhealth.com


2125 North Commerce Parkway
Weston, FL 33326
Office: (888) 577-8801
Fax: (954) 659-9326
Email: belindac@gmed.com

GreenwayEHS, Inc.

Success EHS
100 Greenway Blvd.
Carrollton, GA 30117
Phone: (205) 443-4115
Contact: Mandy Hancock
Web: www.greenwayhealth.com

Greenway Medical Technologies

Deveta Dooley
121 Greenway Blvd
Carrollton, GA 30117
Phone: (770) 836-3100
E-mail: devetadooley@greenwaymedical.com

Harris CareTracker

235 Promenade St, Ste 600
Providence, RI 02908
Contact: Danielle Hinze
Phone: 855-528-4357 ext 63058
Email: DHinze@harriscomputer.com

H2H Solutions, Inc. (H2H Digital Rx)

49197 Wixom Tech Dr, Suite B
Wixom, MI 48393
Phone: (248) 675-1165  
Contact: Milan W. Popovich
Email: milanp@h2hsolutions.com
Contact: Jeffrey W. Smith
Email: jeffs@h2hsolutions.com

HealthFusion – MediTouch

100 N Rios Ave
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Phone: (877) 523-2120
Contact: Keith Peterson
E-mail: kpeterson@healthfusion.com

Health Care Systems, Inc.

5755 Carmichael Parkway

Montgomery, AL 36117

Contact: Phil Knight

E-mail: Phil.Knight@hcsinc.net

Helix Pharmacy System

14800 Landmark Blvd #250
Dallas, TX 75254
Phone: (469)587-8248
Contact: Brennan Yetter
Email: byetter@rnhealth.com 

iAmos System

14800 Landmark Blvd #250
Dallas, TX 75254
Phone: (469)587-8248
Contact: Brennan Yetter
Email: byetter@rnhealth.com 

iKnowmed, US Oncology

123 Mission St, 4th Fl
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 692-9155
Contact: Peter Harrison
E-mail: peter.harrison@mckesson.com

iKnowMed Generation 2, McKesson Specialty Health

123 Mission St, 4th Fl
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 692-9155
Contact: Peter Harrison
E-mail: peter.harrison@mckesson.com

Indian Health Service RPMS HER

801 Thomson Ave #300
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: (505) 238-4115
Contact: Carla Stearle
E-mail: Carla.stearle@ihs.gov

Infor*Med Medical Information Systems, Inc. (Praxis)

7108 De Soto Ave, Ste 201A
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Contact: Ariel Guatta
Phone: 818-528-4344
Fax: 818-337-2158
Email: ariel.guatta@praxisemr.com

InstantDx, LLC

9801 Washingtonian Blvd #240
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: (301) 208-8000, ext 223
Contact: Glen Ikeda
E-mail: gikeda@instantdx.com

iPatientCare, Inc.

One Woodbridge Center, Suite 812
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Contact: Shripal Shah
Phone: (732) 607-2400 x 106
Fax: (732) 676-7667
Email: shripal@ipatientcare.com

iSalus Healthcare

1 Virginia Ave Ste 500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Contact: Carly Kakasuleff
Phone: (317) 275-3956
Phone: (888) 280-6678
Email: carlykakasuleff@isalushealthcare.com

Kareo EHR

3353 Michelson, 4th Fl #400
Irvine, CA 92612
Phone: (415) 218-8656
Contact: Matt Pretzer, MD
E-mail: matt.pretzer@kareo.com

KV Vet Supply

KV Vet Supply
3190 N Rd
David City, NE 68632
Contact: Aaron Stutzman


Mauricio A. Leon, MD
406 N Ave, #203
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (858) 208-7202
E-mail: melon@life-file.info


10900 Hampshire Ave S #100
Bloomington, MN 55438
Phone: (952) 995-9920
(800) 869-1322 ext 9920
Contact: David Peat

Website: www.matrixcare.com


2100 Rexford Rd #100
Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 927-9800
Contact: Robert Nguyen
E-mail: rnguyen@medflow.com

Medical Office Solutions, LLC Adaptamed EMR

6699 Alvarado Rd #2301
San Diego, CA 92120
Phone: (619) 330-6087
Contact: Moses Manchi
E-mail: moses.manchi@adaptamed.com


Meditech Circle
Westwood, MA 02090
Phone: (952) 918-7181 or (781) 774-7181
Contact: Kari Gordon
E-mail: kgordon@meditech.com

Medstreaming LLC,

9840 Willows Rd Ste 200
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: (877) 633-7876
Fax: (425) 650-2679
Email: support@medstreaming.com
Website: https://medstreaming.com


14800 Landmark Blvd #250
Dallas, TX 75254
Phone: (469)587-8248
Contact: Brennan Yetter
Email: byetter@rnhealth.com 

meridianEMR, Inc.

354 Eisenhower Pkwy
Livingston, NJ 07034
Phone: (973) 994-3220, ext 3110
Contact: Michael Custode, CEO
Email: mcustode@meridianEMR.com


Eric Rose, MD
Product Manager, Practice Partner
2401 Fourth Avenue #700
Seattle, WA 98121
Phone: (206) 577-2839
Cell: (206) 465-9345
Fax: (206) 441-8915
E-mail: erose@practicepartner.com
Website: www.practicepartner.com

MD Toolbox

8524 W. Gage Blvd
Kennewick, WA 99336
Phone:(206)331-4420 ext 803
Contact: Vanessa Talbott
E-mail: vgtalbott@mdtoolbox.com
Additional Approved Systems

Medhost - Emergency Department Information System (EDIS)

6550 Carothers Pkwy
Franklin, TN 37067
Contact: Stephanie Sales
Email: stephanie.sales@medhost.com

Medhost - Enterprise

6550 Carothers Pkwy
Franklin, TN 37067
Contact: Stephanie Sales
Email: stephanie.sales@medhost.com


4690 Parkway Drive
Mason, OH 45040
Phone: (513) 229-5500

MicroFour, Inc.

7118 I-40 West, Bldg D
Amarillo, TX 79106
Phone/Sales: (800) 235-1856
Phone/Service: (800) 874-5983
Contact: Trent L. Taylor / Johnathan Iler
E-mail: jiler@micro4.com
Web: www.micro4.com

MicroMD by Henry Schein Medical Systems

760 Boardman-Canfield Rd
Boardman, OH 44512
Phone: (330) 758-8832
Contact: Don Quackenbush, Director of Product Mgt

Email: don.quackenbush@micromd.com or farra.simmerlink@micromd.com
Website: www.micromd.com


333 Washington Ave North #5000
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: (612) 659-7111 or (612) 767-3177
Contact: Dennis DeBruin
E-mail: Dennis.DeBruin@MinuteClinic.com

Misys Healthcare Systems

8529 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: (800) 877-567 

Misys Healthcare Systems

EMR, Peyton Collier-Kerr
8529 Six Forks Rd
Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: (919) 329-1664
E-mail: peyton,collier-kerr@misyshealthcare.com

Modernizing Medicine, Inc.

3600 FAU Boulevard, Ste 202
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Contact: Mark Fleisher
Phone: 561-880-2998 ext 1244
Toll Free Phone: 866-799-2146
Email: mark.fleisher@modmed.com

Mountain Medical Technologies, Inc.

PYRAMED Patient Manager EHR
Palmetto Bay Village Center
18001 Old Cutler Road, Suite 339
Village of Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
Phone: (800) 595-9373 

Net Health - Agility Software

40 24th St
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Contact: Joy Shields
Phone: 814-941-7006 ext 2115
Email: jshields@nhsinc.com
Website: www.nhsinc.com

Net Health – i-heal 2.0

40 24th St
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: (904) 446-3539
Contact: Scott Treiber
E-mail: streiber@fl.nhsinc.com

Net Health – WoundExpert

40 24th St
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: (800) 411-6281, ext 3013
Contact: Kim Anderson, Production Manager
E-mail: kanderson@nhsinc.com
Web: www.nhsinc.com

Netsmart Technology

Phone: (631) 969-7007
E-mail: jblanchett@ntst.com

NewCrop, LLC

6402 Mercer Street
Houston, TX 77005
Phone: (713) 662-3578
Additional Approved Systems

Nextech Systems, LLC

5550 W Executive Dr #350
Tampa, FL 33609
Contact: Caroline Majeed
800-490-0821 ext 115

NextGen Healthcare

1802 N Carson St #100
Carson City, NV 89701 


1881 SW Naito Pkwy
Portland, OR 97201
Phone: (503) 943-2500
Contact: Lynne Shoemaker
Web: www.ochin.org

Office Ally, LLC

Trevor Brown
1300 SE Cardinal Ct #190
Vancouver, WA 98683
360-975-7000 ext 6102
PO Box 872020
Vancouver, WA 98687
Email: Trevor.brown@officeally.com
Website: www.officeally.com


Catherine Maynard-Parker, RN
Phone: 1-800-277-5899 x 842
Or 1-905-858-8885 x 842
Email: Catherine.m@pointclickcare.com
Website: www.pointclickcare.com

Practice Fusion, Inc.

731 Market Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone (415) 757-4670
Contact: Jim Harwood
Email: jharwood@practicefusion.com

Prescribers Connection, LLC

2095 Exeter Rd #80-102
Germantown, TN 38138
Phone: (855) 793-9773
Contact: Jason Brasfield
E-mail: jason@prescibersconnection.com

PRN Software LLC (aka DoseSpot)

18 Crawford St, 2nd Fl
Needham Heights, MA 02494
Phone: (888) 847-6814, ext 103
Contact: Greg Waldstreicher
E-mail: greg@dosespot.com
Web: www.dosespot.com

Renown Health

1155 Mill St., A-1
Reno, NV 89502
Phone: (775) 982-6373
Fax: (775) 982-6478
Contact: Stephanie Berrington, MS, CISSP
Information Security Manager 


1106 West St
Annapolis, MD 21401 

Sage Software Healthcare Division

2202 Westshore Boulevard, Suite 300
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: (813) 287-2990 


575 8th Ave, 15th Fl
New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 268-4242, ext 171
Contact: Robert Russell
Email: rrussell@sigmacare.com  
Website: http://www.SigmaCare.com

SOAPware, Inc.

4220 N Crossover Rd.
Fayetteville, AR 72703
Phone: (479) 595-2744
Contact: Ryan Petty
E-mail: ryan.petty@soapware.com


95 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, NJ 07645
Phone: (952) 484-7643
Contact: Rob Mohr
Email: rob.mohr@logisolve.com

StreamlineMD. Llc

111 Stow Ave, Ste 200
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
Contact: Smitesh S. Shah
Phone: 732-658-9062
Email: sshah@streamlinemd.com

SuiteMed + Meditab Software

333 Hegenberger Rd #800
Oakland, CA 94621
Phone: 510-686-8409
Contact: Kal Patel, RPh
Email: kal@meditab.com

SureScripts, LLC

5971 Kingstowne Village Parkway
Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22315
Phone: (703) 921-2121 

T-CAS (M2 Comsys)

2121 East Flamingo Rd #202
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Contact: Binu Mathew
Phone: (702)733-8781
Email: binum@m2comsys.com


TechSoft, Inc.

801 Route 73 North, Suite B
Marlton, NJ 08053
Contact: Navin K. Gupta
Phone: (856)642-7500 x106
Fax: (856)649-0396
Email: navin.gupta@medstech.com


1945 Lakepointe Dr
Lewisville, TN 75057
Phone: (203) 930-1166
Contact: Paul Reilly
E-mail: preilly@teladoc.com


8525 Six Forks Rd
Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: (919) 847-8102
Contact: Peter Duncan

Treat Rx- Bravado Health Software Platform

515 N Flager Dr. Suite P-300
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 877-5782
Contact: David Rossi
Website: https://www.bravadohealth.com/treat/

University Medical Center of Southern Nevada

Outpatient Pharmacy
1800 W Charleston Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Contact: David Sorric
Email: david.sorric@umcsn.com

Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (ARIA IOS for Medical Oncology)

3100 Hansen Way
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: (650) 493-4000
Contact: JR Munini
E-mail: daniel.munini@varian.com

WEBeDoctor, Inc

714 W. Lambert Rd, Ste 105
Brea, CA 92821
Contact: Anwer Siddiqi
Phone: 714-990-3999
Email: asiddiqi@webedoctor.com

Weno Exchange LLC

11809 Mira Vista Way

Austin, TX 78726

Contact: Tina Goodman


Email: admin@wenoexchange.com     

WRS Health

2004 Route 17M
Goshen, NY 10924
Phone: (866) 977-4367
Contact: Resa Barbalich
E-mail: rbarbalich@wrshealth.com


Steve P. Winkler
10001 S Eastern Ave #402
Henderson, NV 89052
Phone: (800) 924-8344
Contact: Tim Holt
E-mail: tholt@xcitehealth.com