Registrations that will expire on October 31, 2024, may renew on-line starting on September 1, 2024.
If this is your first time renewing your registration using the online portal, complete the following to renew your pharmacist registration:
1. Use Google Chrome (PC or Mac) or Safari (Mac).
2. Disable all Pop-Up Blockers on your computer or device.
3. Visit
4. Select “Personal License Information/Renewal”.
5. Select the “Click here to Register”.
6. Enter all required information and click “Submit Registration”.
7. You will receive a temporary password in an email with instructions to change the temporary password before you can log in and complete your on-line renewal of your registration.
8. Once you have completed steps 1-7, log onto your portal.
9. Click on “Renew” and complete all requirements of the renewal.
10. After you successfully complete steps 1-9, you will receive an email with your new registration.
If you have renewed using the online portal in the past, complete the following to renew your pharmacist registration:
1. Use Google Chrome (PC or Mac) or Safari (Mac).
2. Disable all Pop-Up Blockers on your computer or device.
3. Visit
4. Select “Personal License Information/Renewal”.
5. Log onto your portal.
6. Click on “Renew” and complete all requirements of the renewal.
7. After you successfully complete steps 1-6, you will receive an email with your new registration.
Your Username is the email you originally used to register in the portal. If you have forgotten your Username or Password, click on “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password” on the log-in page, respectively, for instructions on how to recover or change your Username or Password.
Please contact the Board Office at if you have any questions or experience any issues with the registration or renewal process.